4 Reasons to Start Journaling Right Now!

I hear people say all the time:

I’d love to journal!

Or even I SHOULD start journaling!

But when you’re busy with work, life, and kids, it can be hard to justify purchasing a journal and actually sitting down to use it.

The busier you are, the less you can to sit and write.

Trust me, I get it.

But the truth is, the busier you are, the more you’re struggling, the more it feels like life is getting ahead of you are barreling ahead on a runaway train, the more you NEED to journal.

Why you ask?

  1. Journaling allows you to process your emotions

Often time when life gets really stressful it feels like we kick into high gear survival mode. All things self care go out the window and we just focus into what we need to get done. We run on adrenaline and feel guilty AF about snapping at our kids and partners.

The thing is, we ALL need an outlet for our emotions.

Especially when you’re stressed, gut even when things are going well, there are tons of emotions brewing beneath the surface with nowhere to go. And so we snap. We take it out on our loved ones and people around us.

But when you have a place to let those emotions OUT they don’t fester inside of you. You’re able to feel them, see them, and acknowledge them by putting it all down in the pages of your journal. It makes your experience REAL. It validates your feelings. Which in turn will make you feel safe and okay instead of overwhelmed and burnt out.

So you want to be happier and stop snapping at people? Pick up your journal and let your emotions be seen!

2. Journaling let’s you tap into your unconscious mind + understand yourself better

Yep, it’s true.

You don’t realize it but your unconscious mind is actually running the entire show that is your life.

The way you perceive, think, feel, and your limiting belief patterns are all living beneath your conscious mind that you use everyday. It’s like a computer operating system - you don’t see all the code beneath the surface, you just see the result of that code ie. who you are and why you do what you do.

Crazy right?

The beautiful thing about journaling is that once you’ve gotten PAST the surface level stuff and the awkward conscious mind beginning of your writing, your unconscious thoughts and beliefs will be gin to pour out onto the page. You will learn things about yourself that you’ve never known before and begin to uncover hidden limiting beliefs that have kept you STUCK in the same life patterns over and over again despite your deep desire to change!

Journaling is incredible for actually implementing real sustainable change because you’re able to SEE what’s actually been holding you back…. HINT: it’s your limiting beliefs.

3. Journaling is a SAFE space…

We as humans often have a hard time fully seeing ourselves.

It is scary and vulnerable to admit that there are parts of ourselves deep inside that we don’t want anyone to see.

In fact, we want to keep them so hidden that we often even hide them from ourselves.

True story.

Journaling is a full judgement free zone. It is the safest of safe spaces. It’s where you can write out your deepest darkest secrets and feeling and let them see the light of day without anyone imposing their thought of beliefs on them.

You get to just be you.

Exactly as you are.

Flaws and all.

So even if you have besties, partners, or a therapist, your journal can really become your best friend in letting yourself be fully seen and safe

4. Journaling is amazing for CHANGE

I know I already mentioned this but there is something magical that happens when you write something into existence vs speaking or thinking it. It make it real. Tangible.

That’s why I love using journaling to speak the reality that I desire into existence through written word.

This will look different for everyone but I dare you to write something in your journal RIGHT NOW that you desire to have. Go crazy. Get as specific as humanly possible. Tap into the FEELING of having that thing. Feel it while you write and see what happens.

Set a reminder in your phone to look back at this journal entry one year from now and SEE how much has changed. I bet it’s pretty magical.

So, are you ready to start your journaling practice yet?

Grab your Healing Crystal Journal now and get started on your deeply transformational journey into journaling!

Happy writing!

xo, Harmony


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